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Why I Am Running For HD97

Every Delegate seat is important. There are 100 in total.  However, politics is a predictable science, and 90 of the seats should be held by incumbents and their respective parties.  However, about 10 of the seats are up for grabs, and HD97 in Virginia Beach is most likely the most competitive seat in all of Virginia. The winner of HD97 will most likely determine if Republicans or Democrats hold the House of Delegates.

Why is it important for Republicans to flip the House?  Despite Virginia demanding a more moderate tone from politicians, Virginia Democrats have continued to cater to the far-left progressive policies that make our communities safe.  

Let me give you 3 bills for example:

1.      Second Look (SB427 - 2024) – Democrats have advanced a bill to allow violent offenders serving long prison sentences to have a petition option for early release as short as 15 years into their sentence. This passed the Senate and passed the House Courts of Justice committee but fortunately got sidetracked in appropriations.  When victims came in opposition – Democrats cut their microphones and silenced them. Watch this video:

2.      Violent Offenders on Bail (SB1266 – 2021) – When Democrats had full control in 2021 – they passed a law that allowed violent offenders easier access to bail. Each year Republicans have tried to reinstate reasonable rules to keep violent offenders behind bars and keep our communities safer and every year Democrats have blocked these efforts.  One of the most egregious examples occurred in Loudoun County where a Husband was on bail with a GPS ankle monitor for assaulting his wife and then went to her home and killed her with a hammer.

3.      Immigration Status of Criminals (HB972 – 2024) – Would have prohibited law enforcement from inquiring as to an incarcerated defendant’s immigration status.  This modeled a California policy where chaos to communities has results in multiple serious felonies my illegal aliens in the United States who already had contact with American law enforcement.

One thing is certain – Democrats can never have full control of Virginia state government ever again. Republicans gaining control of the House of Delegates ensures that victim first policies advance, and policies cloaked as “criminal justice reform” meet their demise in Republican controlled committees.  Democrats simply cannot be trusted on the issues of community safety.

For these reasons, I am asking for your support. HD97 must win, not just for Virginia Beach but for every citizen in the Commonwealth. I am asking you to log in here and make monthly recurring donation of $50 or more:


We must win. We cannot lose the House in 2025.  Please start your support to the campaign so that I can employ the best people in the business to do everything we must to win this seat for the good of the Commonwealth.



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